Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and related studies (Ecological Studies, Traffic Studies) for the proposed 20 MW Solar PV Facility and 6.5 km transmission line at Buipe in the Central Gonja District of the Northern Region of Ghana to meet local, World Bank, IFC, Equator Principles and OPIC environmental and social safeguard requirements
BTSA Buipe Solar Limited/ WSP Inc., USA/ BioTherm Energy (SA)
Buipe, Central Gonja District, Northern Region
2017 - 2018
This project involved conducting an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and related studies (Land Acquisition and Livelihood Restoration Plan, Ecological Studies, Traffic Studies, Stakeholder Engagement Plan, Equator Principles Action Plan and Environmental and Social Management Plan) for the proposed 20 MW Solar PV Facility and 6.5 km transmission line at Buipe to obtain an environmental permit from the EPA of Ghana as well as secure funding for the Project from USTDA and the IFC. This took into consideration the project designs and layout, existing baseline information as well as local and international E&S requirements.
Our experts performed the following activities: